
Sunday, January 26, 2025

invasion day? oh please...

 i can't be the only one getting sick of this. 

initially i welcome the whole diversity and equality thingies. but then it got out of hand. it goes too far to the point it's brings another level of discrimination.

i completely welcome when THAT country changed leader as a result. there may things that don't make sense but there are many things do. but i'm not going to dig further and that's not the point of this post.

as migrant to Australia, i was once an ignorant. i hated this new chapter of my life. i was an idiot telling people how much i dislike the place.

today i definitely would frown upon my younger self.

i'm grateful and appreciate what this country has given me. 

if you want to think invasion day, majority part of the world result of war and invasion. it's part of history. most country have apologized. and if you still want to go after it... it's you're freedom to do so. 

i respect what you think. please respect mine.

happy australia day!

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